Host: Saghi Ghaffari
Friday Afternoon Session
Friday Dinner remarks
Host: Hojun Li
Saturday Morning Session
12 pm: Group photo, in front of Whitehead Institute
12:15 pm: Lunch, Whitehead Café
Saturday afternoon session
6:30 pm: Cocktails and Dinner reception
Samberg Conference Center, MIT
50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142
Dinner remarks
10:30 am - 1:30 pm: Farewell brunch
at the home of Pam and Harvey Lodish
Contact Mary Anne Donovan.
Are you in touch with other Lodish Lab alumni? We have yet to obtain active email addresses for the following alumni:
Oladoyin Desalu, Anna Dunavin, Russell Elmes, Amy Fallon, Eugene Katz, Ian Kerr, Nancy Kong, Giorgio Mangiarotti, Carol Truhardt Mulford, Michael Owen, Vikram Patel, Carlos Rodriguez, Don Schneider, Donelia Wilson, Haya Yankelev, and Ming-Huam Yuk.
If you are in-touch with them, please share the symposium details--we would love to have as many alumni in attendance as possible.